Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Internet – Live It Up + Documentary

the internet [documentary] from WhoIsBrass on Vimeo.

A double offering from OFWGKTA’s The Internet today comes firstly in the form of a bonus track “Live It Up”, from their debut LP Purple Naked Ladies, and secondly, a documentary about the formation of the duo’s album.
“Live It Up” has Syd Tha Kyd’s soft, mellow vocals pair up with soulful, uplifting beats and leaves you wondering why it wasn’t included in the original LP tracklisting.
The 20-minute clip catches Syd and Matt in the studio during the creation of the LP, taking about their production of tracks, what their favourites are, their photo shoot for the album cover and what they got up to in their downtime.
Watch the documentary above and stream "Live It Up" below. Via Hypetrack

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